"Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.".
Our line dancing practice session last Monday was an entertaining one. One of the thorns amongst all roses, Youngmanlim demonstrated his "stepping cockroachs" movement for the Hit The Road Jack Dance.
At first I thought he deliberately did that style to amuse the team. As usual, I burst out laughing when seeing that funny movement. I felt so bad later when I realised that he was actually very serious in putting the steps right and trying very hard to synchronized his movement with the beats. I supposed he was completely engrossed with the dance that he wasn't aware of his stepping cockroaches stance. At the thought of it I was a bit regret for not controlling my laughing gas as he's just being serious about what he was doing!
Later that night, I went to Youtube to search for the dance video. There were a few clips but the dancers are of various age group. I have particularly chosen the senior citizen group for their movements are clear, but very rigid and robot-like. I reckon that clip is more suitable than the versions done by younger dancers and that people like Youngmanlim can observe and catch up easily. Sometimes zombie-like dancers may look clumsy but their "one-beat-slower"steps actually make our learning easier.
After the post is up, Youngmanlim post a heart-melting comment "don't demand too much from senior citizen, as long as they are happy, any style and steps ok lah, like me loh, enjoy the presence of everybody is enough already." This made me feel very sorry for I have formed a self-opinion that I must select something to match his standard. This is a very silly intention cos it is like forming the mindset that a grade 1 music student cannot read the grade 6's musical notes.
The comment from Youngmanlim reminds me of an inspiration quote -
"Success is in the journey, not the destination"
After joining line dance class for more than a year, I notice that my enthusiasm is running low gradually. On the contrary, those late comers like the husband and wife teams-Christina & Lam, Lengluikim and Youngmankim , Yue Har, Milly, are all catching up fast and have shown vast improvements over the months. Really shame on me in this respect. The inspiring quote from Youngmanlim perhaps is also the voice from every team members heart.
It is really quite true that the outcome(destination) is not important, what is more important is the process (journey). Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. Like what was humbly commented by Lengluikim's hubby - "Don't demand too much from senior citizen, as long as they are happy, any style and steps oso ok lah, like me loh, enjoy the presence of everybody is enough already." (Hey! Thumb-up for our young man and the senior citizen!)
Even we can't really dance as good as the professional dancers, we enjoy every move we made and every moment we being happy together, e.g. joined the linedance party, potluck and the weekly practices at KL's mansion. So, it is friendships that matters the most..isn't it?

May every members of my line dancing club including our dance instructor Lady Joice be bestowed with good health so that we can continue to dance year after year, cheers!
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