Today is Kuan Yin Pu Sa(Goddess of Mercy /Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva)'s Renunciation Day, the day that marks her entering into the nunnery. Early in the morning, there are already many devotees crowed the temples to pay homage and appeal to this Great Lord, who is the Bodhisattva of great compassion, mercy and love who wons the hearts of countless people.
By virtue of Kuan Yin's infinite power, he is capable of regarding the cries of the people whether these represent either desire or suffering, delivering them through the wisdom of skillful means, and appearing in the form suitable to those to be saved. This noble Lord is thus the "savior" who may assume the form of a Buddha, Bodhisattva, god or any other forms, either male or female, in order to fulfill his task of mercy.
One of Kuan Yin's most famous and compassionate forms is that of the "thousand-arms-thousand-eyes". In this form, Kuan Yin has eleven heads and a thousand hands, with extra eyes on the palms of each hands. Legend has it that he was contemplating the task of working for the safety and happiness of all sentient beings when his head split into a thousand pieces upon realizing the enormity of such an undertaking. Amitabha Buddha, who is Kuan Yin's spiritual father, quickly came to the rescue and restored Kuan Yin to life and also gave him this form. Thousand eyes thus symbolize the all-seeing nature of Kuan Yin's compassion while thousand arms represent the ever-present and all-compassing nature of his help.
In the Lotus Sutra (one of the most famous sutra for Mahayana Buddhist), the Buddha said that anyone who calls upon Kuan Yin will be delivered instantly from all his sufferings. By virtue of his supernatural power, he is able to save all living beings from all kinds of danger, give them what they want and preach freely by appearing in whatever form that suits the nature of the faithful. To call for Kuan Yin's help, one needs only to humbly and sincerely recite her name continuously or one may reitce her mantra of Universal Protection:
This is a powerful mantra. If someone with grave problems or even demonic obstructions recites the above mantra, the problem will disappear or the demon will run away. Kuan Yin's response can be instant or slightly delayed, it all depends on one's karmic influence at that moment of prayer and the intensity of faith in the calling.
Miracles of Kuan Yin answering the fervent prayers of those who called upon her name is countless. Here is the true account of happenings of which were my personal testimonial of the above mantra and Kuan Yin's mystical power:
My son was admitted to hospital 2 years ago. For convenient sake, we have requested for a single room. It was merely few minutes past 11pm. My hubby took leave after my son has fallen asleep while I stayed back to observe my son's condition over that night. As it was a private ward, the hospital had prepared another bed for the comfort of the caregiver. I wasn't quite remember if that was the ordinary hospital bed or a sofa bed. Recalling some of the creepy encounters which my friends used to talk about when sleeping on a hospital bed, ie haunted by an unwanted visitor who loves to left its weight on their chest, I have decided not to sleep flat on the bed. Instead, I have chosen to rest on my side with my head facing my son who was sleeping at another bed next to me.
I switched off the bedside lamps and left the light at the dressing table on so that I would be able to take glimpses of my son while he was asleep. Right as I was about to fall asleep, I got a sensation of a pair of hands coming from my back. Apparently, someone was giving me a rear bear hug!! The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I forced open my eyes. I knew instantly that it wasn't a dream as I was able to see my son who was sleeping at the other bed. I was also able to hear the sounds made by the nurses outside. For it was private room, the nurse station was in fact just a few steps away from the room.
Soon I realized that I couldn't move my body and head. I yelled and yanked but no sound was heard. The more I tried to struggle, the arms that grabbed around my chest got tighter and I was frantic panicked sensing that I have difficulty in breathing! In that trying moment, I recalled of Kuan Yin's great mercy and focus my mind to recite the mantra. As soon as I mentally uttered "Om Mani Padme Hum", the tight sensation around my chest snapped out almost instantly!
After this incidence, I have applied the same technique, i.e reciting this mantra in a few subsequent accounts of sleep paralysis attack and it has never failed to give me instant calmness. Since then, I have even stronger faith towards this Bodhisattva and His miraculous mantra.
It was believed that if you chant this mantra continuously and sincerely for 1,000 times, any beings surrounding you will also get the blessing and will be liberated from their present lower realm and obtain a human body. This is the benevolent selfishness, a trait that all Buddhist must practice to develop a deeper compassion from within. As we live not just for the purpose to liberate ourselves but also wellness of all beings for them to be free from this deep sea of sufferings too.
Om Mani Padme Hum!